Windows of opportunity
If you've been touched by a story or stories in this issue of Emory Medicine, these windows can open up ways for you to turn your inspiration into action.
Here you’ll see how you can invest in the people, places, and programs you’re reading about. Gifts to Emory produce powerful, lasting returns; they help create knowledge, advance research, strengthen communities, improve health, and much more.
Special Deliveries
Whether doing double-duty in removing a blood clot from a new mom’s heart just after she delivers twins, treating a patient in labor with a tear in her aorta, or caring for critically ill or premature infants, teamwork by health care heroes in the delivery room can result in sweet endings to terrifying beginnings.
For more information or to support healthy deliveries at Emory University Hospital Midtown, contact Gabrielle Stearns at 404.727.2512 or

Containing Ebola
Emory University Hospital’s special isolation unit, and its medical team of infectious disease doctors, nurses, and lab technicians, came into service recently when the first two Ebola patients cared for in the United States stayed there for nearly three weeks in August before testing virus free and being reunited with their families. Such high-level isolation units are rare—Emory Hospital’s is one of only four in the country.
Gifts to the Emory University Hospital Fund for Excellence will honor the teams caring for these patients. To support the experience of patients battling infectious diseases, contact Jonathan Russell, director of development, at 404.727.9567 or
You also may wish to make a gift to the Tami Fisk Fund, named in honor of a faculty physician at Emory School of Medicine who spent much of her career teaching and providing care in developing countries. To support the Emory infectious disease fellowship program and fellows who travel to conduct research and deliver care in extreme conditions around the world, contact Jonathan Russell at 404.727.9567 or
Emory's "Dr. House"
From a middle-age man suffering mysterious bouts of dizziness, to a young woman with a cluster of unexplained ailments that may or may not be related, to a retiree who was misdiagnosed with a terminal illness, patients turn to Emory’s new Special Diagnostic Services clinic, directed by Clyde Partin, Emory’s own “Dr. House.”
To support the Emory Special Diagnostic Services Clinic and the work of Partin, contact Stacia Brown, senior director of development, at 404.727.9030 or
Fighting Infection
Older people who spend time in health care settings or people who take frequent antibiotics are more prone to life-threatening bacterial infections such as C diff. Emory experts are treating these patients with transplants of healthy bacteria.
To support advances that combat bacterial infections, contact Jonathan Russell, director of development, at 404.727.9567 or