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Hospital briefs

News and kudos from Emory hospitals

Operating rooms go green:

Hospitals produce an estimated 6 billion tons of waste annually—that’s 33 pounds per bed per day. Emory hospitals are doing their part to reduce those numbers by starting new recycling programs in their operating rooms. "ORs create a tremendous volume of waste," says Jane Duggan, assistant professor of anesthesiology and head of the OR Green Team at Emory University Hospital Midtown.

"Much of it is clean waste and can be recycled." Medical and hazardous waste recycling companies collect and recycle used medical equipment, including laparoscopic devices, arthroscopic/orthopaedic devices, and energy devices, as well as clean plastic containers, plastic wrap, and cardboard boxes used to package surgical and sterile supplies. Emory Healthcare also will continue to reduce waste by partnering with MedShare, which sends surplus medical supplies to underserved hospitals and clinics worldwide.

Emory hospitals rank among best in state:

U.S. News & World Report has ranked Emory University Hospital the No. 1 hospital in both Georgia and metro Atlanta in its 2014-2015 Best Hospitals guide for the third year in a row. (Emory University Hospital includes Emory Wesley Woods Geriatric Hospital and Emory University Orthopaedics and Spine Hospital.)

Emory University Hospital Midtown ranked fourth in Georgia and third in metro Atlanta. Emory Saint Joseph’s Hospital ranked 11th in Georgia and seventh in metro Atlanta. U.S. News uses three weighted factors to rank hospitals, including hospital structure, reputation, and outcomes. For more, go to

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