Windows of opportunity

If you've been touched by a story or stories in this issue of Emory Medicine, these windows can open up ways for you to turn your inspiration into action.
Here you'll see how you can invest in the people, places, and programs you're reading about. Gifts to Emory produce powerful, lasting returns: they help create knowledge, advance research, strengthen communities, improve health, and much more.
Training Doctors at Atlanta's Historic 'Charity' Hospital
Emory's relationship with Grady Memorial Hospital — one of the largest public hospitals in the Southeast — began in the early 1900s, and today Grady is a main hub for clinical education of Emory medical students, residents, and fellows. Scholarships and fellowships help attract the highest achievers to train at Emory, and funding allows medical students the freedom to treat underserved people, explore new treatments, and expand their educational opportunities.
To support the Emory doctors in training at Grady, contact Andrew P. Christopherson, director of development, at 404.727.8253 or
Redefining Psychiatric Treatment
Functional neurological disorder is one specialty of the Emory Department of Psychiatry and Behavioral Sciences. Its faculty are dedicated to the highest quality education of psychiatric residents and medical students, discovery of new knowledge of causes and treatments for psychiatric disorders, and integration of the latest advances in neuroscience, psychology, social sciences, and psychoanalysis. Donors help provide innovative and compassionate patient care, advance neuropsychiatric research, and support top faculty.
Contact Phyllis Rosen, senior associate, philanthropy and community relationships, 404.727.8254 or
Caring for Babies through Surgery
Emory is a leader in child health-related research, education, and patient care, with advances such as in utero and EXIT surgical techniques and expertise in maternal and perinatal care. Through partnerships with Grady Memorial Hospital, Children's Healthcare of Atlanta, and loyal donors, more children survive challenging diagnoses and live healthier lives.
To support pediatric initiatives, contact Margaret Lesesne Adams, director of development, at 404.778.4632 or
Strengthening Shields against Superbugs
The Emory Antibiotic Resistance Center (ARC) works to prevent antibiotic resistance and preserve the power of antibiotics for generations to come. Gifts to Emory ARC support research projects, drive the development of new antibiotics, and help Emory train the next generation of scientists.
To find out more, contact Akudo Anyanwu, director of development, at 404.727.6416 or