Our family dinner conversations were always interesting, not least because my dad, Arthur P. Richardson, was at the time dean of the Emory School of Medicine. As I recall, during those years the CDC became located down the road, a pediatric facility was built as well as the Winship Clinic, and the Emory/Grady connection expanded greatly. In light of current news about the overuse of medicines, I remember even when I was a child, my family used medicines very sparingly, and my dad talked about the dangers of abusing such drugs as penicillin—and thus reducing their longterm efficacy. My dad may also have been the first medical administrator to appoint a female administrator, in 1957, Dean of Students Evangeline Papageorge, whom the students loved. My dad was a very self-effacing man—I remember that once I asked him why he didn't have a designated parking place, and he replied, "If I have one, everyone will want one!"
Wendy Richardson
Oxford, Ohio