Research Roundup
Weight gain and high blood pressure in college football players leads to negative changes in their heart’s structure and function that could lead to heart attacks or stroke, according to a study by Emory researchers. Monitoring and early intervention are needed for these otherwise healthy young athletes, they found. Results were published Oct. 16 in JAMA Cardiology.
By studying twins, Emory researchers found that good heart health is associated with good brain health. Because this was observed in both identical and fraternal twins, familial factors such as early environment, socioeconomic status and education, and parenting probably affect later heart and brain health. Results were published Oct. 1 in the Journal of Alzheimer’s Disease.
Patients suffering from severe, treatment-resistant depression can experience long-term relief through deep brain stimulation, according to research conducted at Emory. Stimulation of the subcallosal cingulate provides a robust, sustained antidepressant effect in the most severely depressed patients, researchers found. Results were published online Oct. 4 in the American Journal of Psychiatry.

Information gained from signs of cardiac stress in the blood in response to exercise may be more useful in determining a heart patient’s risk of future coronary events than the treadmill test itself, found Emory researchers. Results were published Dec. 4 in JAMA Cardiology.